Sunday, October 10, 2004

Stifled Creativity

Every single "click" of a mouse spells some change ,big or small,which in one way or the other determines how the world would look the very next second.It sounds very interesting but it is far from it if only you sit back and think (something you can only do if you stop getting elated by getting to change the way the world works every second) .I can tell you for sure that if you just recline on your chair, and in the way the manual pasted on it tells you to, and realise how much of a part you actually played in bringing about that change, you would realise that it is as meagre as perhaps the space in your cubicle.

No,I am not trying to say that people should stop contributing towards bringing some changes and "making this world a better place to live in" (my favourite line because it gets you the crown in those "beauty" contests where you are valued if you can show more and help more people which is never on oath though) .Let me come back to the point because I have a habit of digressing which comes from wishing to escape from that dingy cubicle of mine every second of my life.

...more to come (I cannot stay in this cubicle for long and be creative at the same time unless I am changing the world by clicking the hapless mouse endlessly)


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